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How to back up and restore data using Norton Ghost

When the computer malfunction on the software , the operating system crashes, virus infection ... it is best to reinstall the entire operating system and programs, however if you have previously had a backup then restoring data is easier and faster.
Norton Ghost is one of the backup program (backup) and recovery (Restore) data and current best fast. With Norton Ghost you can backup and restore disk partition or entire hard disk, and can store this copy on the other drive or to a CD-ROM. Norton Ghost program can be purchased in stores or CD-ROM to find and download from the internet .
This article will describe the creation of Ghost backup file and use this file to restore the data on the hard disk partition that contains the operating system (drive C :) by Norton Ghost program in discus Hiren's BootCD . This will help restore the system even in case your computer can not boot into Windows is.
  • A computer can have multiple hard disk drives.
  • A hard disk drive can be divided into multiple partitions, each partition is a disc drive are visible in the operating system (C: D: E :).

Boot from the disk Hiren's BootCD

  • For a computer to boot from the disk Hiren's BootCD computer by opening up and fast for this CD into the drive and close the CD-ROM disc drive right back. When the startup screen appearance of Hiren's BootCD, select Start BootCD .
Hiren's Boot menu of BootCD
  • In Hiren's BootCD menu select Disk Clone Tools ...
Select Disk Clone Tools
  • In the next menu choose Norton Ghost
Select Norton Ghost
  • In the next menu choose Ghost (Normal)
Select Ghost (Normal)
  • Norton Ghost program will run out table and introduced, this time to operate the mouse, click OK to enter the program.
Norton Ghost program

How to create an archive file Ghost

  • Choose Local -> Partition -> To Image to select a file created Ghost backup data on a hard disk drive partition.
Select the backup data on the drive into an image file
  • Select the hard drive you want to back and press OK (a computer can have multiple hard disks).
Select the hard drive you want to back
  • Select the partition containing the operating system (drive C :) partition usually located on the same and have Part: 1 , Type: Primary , or on the name of the drive ( Volume Label ). Once selected press OK to continue. 
Select the drive containing the operating system
  • Appearance of windows File name to copy to , in turn follow these steps:
Choose where to store files ghost
  1. Click the down arrow to select the drive to use for storing backup files Ghost, in this post will choose the drive D:
  2. Click the button to create a new folder to contain a copy (maybe not necessary).
  3. Name the folder as Backup (or other arbitrary name), click the folder Backup to open it.
  4. Name the Ghost backup files, the brief name and not enter the extension (tail).
  5. Note the Ghost backup files if you wish.
  6. Click Save to agree reserved.
  • The program will give notice you want to compress the file size of this Ghost backup, including:
    • No : uncompressed, Fast : speed (less compression, large capacity), 
    • High : High compression (slow speed, small size). 
    • Fast : to work backup and recovery is faster. If the capacity of the drive much longer should choose
Choose compressed files ghost
  • A confirmation message agrees create Ghost backup files, click Yes to agree.
A confirmation message agrees create backup image files
  • The program will run and display the parameters of space and time made. Time Remaining time left to finish the job done.
Is creating a ghost image
  • When you're done creating Ghost backup files, the program will issue a notification is complete, click Continue .
Notify finished creating ghost file
  • Can perform the above steps to create a Ghost backup files to the other drive if you wish, or click Quit to exit the program and restart your machine to on Windows.
Click Quit to exit the program ghost

Restore data from a backup file Ghost

  • First performed by the same owner Run Norton Ghost program .
  • Choose Local -> Partition -> From Image to select data recovery from Ghost saoluu file was made ​​available.
Choose recover data from image file has been made available
  • Select the drive, directory and file Ghost saved, in this article it is located in the Backup folder of the drive D: click Open to open it.
Select the image file has been made available
  • In the Select source partition from image file , select the partition you've saved and click OK .
Select the partition stored in duplicate
  • In the Select destination drive ..., select the hard disk drive recovery want and press OK .
Select the drive you want to recover
  • In the Select destination from basic partition drive ..., select the partition you want to restore, in this article it is located on the same disc drive and Part: 1 , Type: Primary , or on the name of the drive ( Volume Label ) , click OK to continue.
Select the partition you want to recover
This is the partition has been selected to create backup files Ghost in the previous step.
  • A confirmation message agree this recovery, click Yes to agree.
A confirmation message consent recovery
  • After restoration is complete, the program will issue a notification request to restart the computer, press the Reset Computer to complete the recovery and restart the computer.
Notification requirements reboot
  • The system will be restored after back-like state while creating backups.
Note in this startup disc Hiren's BootCD if still in the drive, it will be launched, just leave it for a few seconds or choose Start Windows to boot into Windows.

Create files in the Ghost to save time?

  1. When Windows is already installed, start the machine again 1 time if not faulty anything -> Ghost
  2. Install the latest device driver (Driver), reboot, check, if possible -> Ghost
  3. Installing common software, open each software to check and set parameters of this software to your liking, reboot -> Ghost
That will have 3 file Ghost enables the users can recover at any time you want. Note that before creating File Ghost must restart the machine and check to make sure the operating system and programs that are working well.
Also create Ghost file before any changes to what is still bounce back.
  • Once restored, the entire program and data that are currently on the drive to install OS (usually drive C :) will be lost or returned to its condition upon saving the file Ghost, how including:
    • Folder My Documents and data inside.
    • What to on Desktop .
    • Address Book Address Book .
    • Email addresses and settings in MS Office Outlook , Outlook Express and Thunderbird .
    • Favorites (Intenet Explorer) or Bookmarks (FireFox).
  • Data on the other drive (D :, E :, F:, ..) and email, address, Nick chat, ... in yahoo ! Mail, yahoo ! Messenger, Google , Skype will not be lost. | Xem thêm tại:
How to back up and restore data using Norton Ghost Reviewed by on 6:51 PM Rating: 5

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