Can Tho University in conjunction with international experts recently held a workshop on "System vetiver natural disaster recovery and environment in VN".
Vetiver on canal embankments Tinh Bien and Tri Ton, An Giang
Prof. Nguyen Viet Truong - represent international network of vetiver in VN, said only six years from 1999 to now, vetiver was present in 40 provinces, and almost the whole territory VN ... Do embankment Grass Dr. Tran Tan Van - Deputy Director Disaster Recovery, Institute of Mineral Research and mine geologic resources, the Ministry of Natural Resources - Environmental coordinator vetiver VN network - said in the MD inapplicable concreting solutions It was costly to protect riverbanks and residential areas. He cited just 1km embankment in the town of Tan Chau (An Giang) has lost 100 billion of State. But this place is elsewhere embankment has collapsed landslide risk. At the workplace still occurs embankment erosion from within, the concrete blocks that changed the flow and causing landslides across the waterfront. Dr. Van affirmed vetiver grass can release energy from Eddy by floodwaters forming strip embankment nature protection works infrastructure is very efficient and cheap. The effect of vetiver was Tran Van Noodles, Head DOARD Tri Ton district (An Giang), prove by numbers rather convincing. He said: " Every year on 3.750.000m3 provinces lost ground due to landslide, estimated losses of over 16 billion.Results vetiver to Breakwater, flood, subsidence, erosion in the watershed flood were to take effect ". Over two flood seasons 2004-2005, vetiver places in the eastern area of the building Channel Seven Affairs (An Phu, Tan Chau) has not been damaged by landslides. Currently in An Giang has six districts planted a total length of over 60 kilometers, with 1.7 million vetiver grass.Planting vetiver areas residential areas, mountain slopes, areas alkaline soil, due to combat erosion landslides, water retention and reduce annual dredging costs very effectively. An Giang is striving to 2010 will grow by 5.8 million vetiver grass hedge, or 3,088ha. And "detoxify" the grass is by Dr. Le Vietnam Dung (CTU) said: " We are talking State Conference vetiver deployed at key locations at risk of serious pollution in the Delta. Through practical trials showed that the use of this herb to reduce environmental pollution is very promising . " Dr. Dung explained dioxin in the soil and the rain will spread uncontrollably. If vetiver form a closed fence with 1-4m deep root systems can prevent runoff and control spread spread poison. The roots of vetiver which features get more water in the soil and can absorb both dioxins, retained in the roots. In VN, areas with Agent Orange dioxin as the A Luoi (Hue) is an international network sponsored vetiver program "Improving water quality in VN" by planting vetiver. Dr. Tran Tan Van also cited contamination problems, he said: " Not only in the Hau River that some parts of the river's water is contaminated wastes from factories, enterprises and residential areas. Without remedies, at least biological measures, certainly Lich (Hanoi), Pisces (Bac Ninh) ... would seriously polluted . " Dr. Van explained: " The roots characteristic of smoking vetiver and inorganic compounds are very high.Stamina and improve the environment of this grass in polluted areas, harsh and many times higher than other plants. China has used vetiver grass to suck waste from the landfill seepage large. Australia used vetiver for waste from slaughterhouses, bleaching and dyeing factory processing plant protection chemicals. In VN, in addition to grass protection embankments, canals, we are planting vetiver test for wastewater treatment in seafood processing plant Cafatex Tho . "
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