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Psychological and physical characteristics of drug addiction recovery addicts

Psychological and physical characteristics of drug addiction recovery addicts
 1. Phase drug detoxification (from day 1 to day 15):

Drug detoxification is only the first stage of the withdrawal, to "forget" the drug requires persistent effort
This is the first phase started NNMT stop using drugs, they have the following characteristics:
Withdrawal symptoms appear (biological disorder) as: fatigue, yawning watery eyes, runny noses, goose bumps, sweating, drug cravings, insomnia, paresthesia, muscle pain leg joints upset hands, muscle cramps, mydriasis, hyperthermia ... in which addicts are most afraid paresthesia symptoms and insomnia. NNMT addiction long time and used many times during the day, the more severe withdrawal symptoms.
The psychological characteristics: depression, mood swings: discomfort, irritability. At first they were ready to coordinate with staff to participate in treatment, then they changed their minds again not want to quit;drowsiness, uncontrollable themselves, sometimes they go back awake, talking vulgar promiscuity.
Due to these characteristics, the addiction treatment easily abandoned or escaped from addiction. Therefore, this period should take measures for their consultant assured treatment.
2. Phase funny optimism (from day 16 to day 45):
Once people overcome addiction detoxification drug, significantly reduced withdrawal symptoms, health began to recover, they may gain weight. Addicts often mistaken won and easily remove the drug, they appear in the following psychological characteristics:
Psychedelic like walking on clouds, excitement, laughing a lot and reveal the mistakes of the past, affirmed never repeat that past.

Excessive confidence often occurs during this period
Strong sense of excitement, excessive optimism, they always say that they have to stop abusing drugs, active in drug use (like it used to be obsolete, he shall cease immediately, not addiction as others ... Photo NNMT said very good, promised to break with this drug ... at the closing ceremony of the class "Detox" there are many, but the next day they return to using drugs. The psychological characteristics reasonable period fooled many officials treat, they thought abstinence was successful due to a misperception about their psychology. This stage they are matchless them, what they can do , but in fact they can not do anything.
3. Phase deadlock (from day 46 to day 120):
 In this stage, the addict has negative psychological impact on the treatment recovery with some psychological follows: bored, restless, irritable; lack of confidence, not honest; or lonely; pessimistic, depressed, see a dark life, irritability fighting or threatening suicide; anxiety, denying reality; Relive the sights, sounds, ... in those days they used drugs; no sexual pleasure; vulnerable to enticement friends or want to use the drug; easily abandoned treatment, the risk of relapse; lack of self-esteem.

Deadlock, no escape ....

The psycho-physiological characteristics common: some physiological began to stabilize as the symptoms of withdrawal syndrome gradually off, often leaving only the symptoms of insomnia, pain in the bones;Psychological addicts want more new friends; the ability to think more clearly, they may think in a good way, can also be for the worse.
Therefore, rehabilitation officer must seize their psychological characteristics to guide recovery, behavior modification, putting them join the group program activities, activities to their collective exposure with good examples, learning progress addicts.
4. The self-adjusting period (from day 180 to day 121 minutes):
This phase is recovering addicts, they will appear some common behaviors and psychological characteristics of the following:
Some common behavior: the phenomenon of boredom reduction, detoxification actively involved; may return to high-risk behavior may wish to use the drug again if the cause of the traumatic psychological "stress" previously unsolved, or in the process of detoxification and rehabilitation they encounter bad attitude of the waiter (family, staff treatment ...).
Some characteristics of perception: reduced levels of drug craving; awareness of the harmful effects of drugs and thought should be put into solving problems like.
Some manifestations of emotion: sadness fell; anxiety reduction, reduced irritability; addicts like lonely, lonely, do not want to join the activities.
Because of these characteristics on psychological, staff and family treatment, to monitor the behavior of the object more closely and to strengthen psychological counseling group, individual psychology, work more and assistance their families addressing the root causes of psychological trauma, entice them to participate in cultural activities - arts, sports and social activities, group activities ...
5. Phase start biopsychosocial rehabilitation (over 180 days):
Addicts have gone through a course of treatment, has been involved amending the misleading behavior, learning many things in life, including the good, bad thing. Therefore, they appear some behavioral, cognitive follows:
Some common behaviors: or gamble, drink, join work well, the bad, and want sex.
Emotional expression: they appear in the conflict, one side made many principles and provisions during drug treatment and rehabilitation, construction principles environment treatment, treatment structure ... and the other side the social needs of the audience as needs like freedom, like drinking alcohol, gambling ... If addicts are treated, recovered with consecutive period of 6 months, providing full service treatment enough, they will be less likely to return to using drugs.
In short, the psychological and physical characteristics change NNMT phased process of rehabilitation, like the psychology of people with diabetes, high blood pressure. At high blood pressure, high blood sugar, they worry, abstinence ... but as blood pressure, blood sugar returned to normal they are ready to drink, eat drink without abstinence, even without medication as instructed doctor ... During treatment for NNMT recovery, treatment staff and family or support person (Supervisor) must understand the physiological characteristics of addicts center at different stages offer new treatments effectively 
Psychological and physical characteristics of drug addiction recovery addicts Reviewed by on 7:02 PM Rating: 5

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