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THE TREATMENT OF Drug addiction recovery ADDICTS KICK

THE TREATMENT OF Drug addiction recovery ADDICTS KICK
Alcoholism, drug heroin or rock collectively pathological addiction but to treat different ways.Recovery from any addiction is hard kind, but with drug addicts kick, challenges may double.
Treatment programs
Maybe inpatient or outpatient including counseling, detoxification and rehabilitation. The result will be better treatment if carried out in accordance with the plight of patients and is associated with other methods.
Drug addicts rock face consequences cognitive impairment and emotional depression in the new period to stop using. Memory, attention span and ability to make decisions seriously damaged, making the treatment becomes much more difficult, especially difficult to implement the instructions and treatment plan.
Recovery from drug addiction stone takes a long time, and some brain damage may not be fully recovered. These significant improvements can be achieved after one or two years, but to keep the stone clean with drugs in one or two years is both a fierce struggle with drug cravings remember intense rock.
Approximately 45 days after drug use last stone, the patient fell into a state of "take pleasure" (anhedonia), ie the inability to feel any joy of life normal. Without good preparation for re-use is very likely to occur.
Must have intensive treatment program for drug addicts stone objects, often in the form of treatment outpatient. Treatment should last at least 3 months to about a year or so.
Treatment is mainly cognitive behavior therapy. The objective is not only prevent reuse, but also include skills training how to avoid temptation and control drug cravings kick miss, especially how to cope when faced reminiscent signal.
Treatment includes life skills training program in the Matrix. The treatment program will help drug addicts kick can "standing on its feet," with job classes and job opportunities.
Treatment for drug addiction should rock including treatment for related diseases by using drugs prolong stone (eg dental disease or undernutrition), inpatient and transfer another specialist if necessary.
Some treatments stone drug proven to be effective include:
  (1) Cognitive behavioral therapy (CBT) - Training for drug addicts kick understand why they used, these situations trigger drug cravings kick miss, how to avoid cravings Me and how to cope with cravings remember. CBT provides technical and practical strategy. CBT is an essential component of a program of drug rehabilitation treatment comprehensive stone.
  (2) Strengthen positive - applied treatment provisions to strengthen to meet the target for treatment. Reward for drug addicts kick every time achieving an achievement during rehabilitation, such as a restaurant meal or movie tickets. Achievements may be urine test results were negative in the long run. The small positive rewards are shown to improve retention and treatment; This is very important because there is nothing predictable positive results more reliable pursuit of long-term treatment.
  (3) Courses trinh12 Steps - A recent study of California in drug users attending rock shows that 12-step meetings as Nacotic Anonymous (NA) have better treatment outcomes than those who did not attend .
  (4) The involvement of the family - the drug addicts treated stone pursue better chance than those who abandon treatment. Research demonstrated that the involvement of the family in the treatment process prolonging treatment for addicts. The family members may have a special role in the initial value of the recovery process, when addicts cognitive decline and depression makes adherence difficult addiction.
  (5) Training - drug addicts kick trained drug knowledge, understand the effects of drugs on the body and brain, the characteristics of addiction, relapse and recovery and physiological effects and psychiatric drug withdrawal stone will be more likely to stay involved in treatment than non-drug users are trained.
 (6) Medications: Currently, no specific medicine for treatment of meth addiction. Advances in drug treatment pharmaceutical ATS developing drugs most commonly tested modafinil.
Drug treatment is psychotic neuroleptics and benzodiazepam (treatment of symptoms) with treatment and withdrawal symptoms (if any), overdose (if any) and actively prevent reuse.
 (7) The importance of quitting alcohol and cannabis: Many people regularly use marijuana and alcohol and drug-kick. In a study of 278 people aged 16 or older, use drugs an average of 13 years rocks before being put into research, Rebecca McKetin, PhD, Australian National University in Canberra and CS found that the incidence psychotic symptoms of objects 5.3 times higher during drug use stone versus abstinence period, and rate more than doubled when using the drug in combination with regular ice needed sa or alcohol. Thus, the drug addicts during rehabilitation rock that would continue to use alcohol are more likely to recur more and it is important that drug users should treat any stone abuse of drugs other than stone 
THE TREATMENT OF Drug addiction recovery ADDICTS KICK Reviewed by on 7:00 PM Rating: 5

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